When looking at this advert we can immediately see that its main target audience is women. The product is made for mainly women and the characters in the advert are women. At the beginning of the advert we see that an establishing shot of three women in a desert. This establishes the first line of appeal. This is an aspirational scene, women who see that advert will be attracted to how these women are living their lives, being able to travel to beautiful landscapes. This also appeals to dreams and fantasy as women may have plans to want to travel to exotic places and see the world. After this we see the women return to a luxurious looking hotel, using the glamorous places line of appeal. This advert can also connect with the successful career line of appeal as these women seem to be able to afford to travel to these places and experience the wonders of the world. However the main line of appeal in the advert would have to be the use of beautiful women. They are signifying that if you use their product it will make your legs look smooth, therefore making you seem better looking. This advert appeals to women who think about their appearance but are also busy, this being because the advert emphasises how you can be on the go but still look beautiful. Furthermore appealing to women, they have used the voice-over of Holly Willoughby, a popular television personality. Therefore making the audience think that she uses this product and wanting to use it themselves.
There are different persuasive techniques in this advert also. The first one reward power, this advert offers the audience a promise that their legs will be smoother for longer, also making you look better. The next one being star power, the voice over of Holly makes the product much more appealing to her fans and people who admire her.
When considering Young and Rubicam's theory we see that the target audience would fit into a few categories. The first one being aspirers, this being because the target audience for this product will be thinking about their appearance and would tend to be of a younger to middle aged generation. The second category would be explorers. We see in the advert that the women are travelling and seeking adventure, therefore appealing to an audience who wants an instant effect with a product. This products primary target audience is defiantly young to middle aged women of a lower to middle class background who want to achieve a good appearance and sense of superiority.
There is a non- diagetic music bed used throughtout this advert, it is effective as it is upbeat and easy on the ear, not distracting you from the voice-over of the product itself. The voice- over is clear and well paced, making it easy to hear while looking at the advert. The characters in this advert are all women, appealing to the stereotype that only women will want to wax their legs and looking after their appearance. The main camera shots in this advert are close-ups and long shots, this is to keep the story developing but also show the audiece how smooth the characters legs are.
Advert 2: Kellogg's bran flakes.
This advert is very much focusing on the elite people and experts line of appeal. The use of Chris Hoy throughout this advert will appeal to anybody who is interested in cycling, sports and wanting to better themselves in general. It also focuses on successful careers, the advert being about how Chris has acheived such success in cycling. Both these lines of appeal will interest and anchor the audiences attention, making them want to try this product because he is accoicated with it and eats it himself.
This also fits in with the factor of pursuasion, as Chris is an expert in his field this therefore is the use of expert and star power. Winning gold medals for Britian at the Olimypics has made Chris a very popular figure for the British Public, therefore making this product seem appealing as he is endorsing it. I think the main target audience for this product will be people of interest in sport (especially males), the secondary target audience being anyone interested in Chris Hoy and what he is involved in.
An edgy non-diagetic music bed is used in this advert, keeping up with the pace of Chris Hoy's busy schedule and training. However it doesnt overtake the voice-over and fits in with the theme of the advert. The voice-over itself is personal to the audience as it is Chris speaking, this will be appealing and will mean that they are more likely to pay attention to what he is saying. The sound effects of the bike are used to show the power that Chris uses, therefore making it seem that this product has helped towards this power. The camera shots in this advert are fast paced and edgy to fit in with the music bed and further emphasise the energy that Chris has in his sport.
TASK 2: Making Reference to a range of the narrative structures outlined above, write a detailed analysis of the different narrative structures employed and try to explain why they have been used to help sell the product.
In this advert we see that there is a linear structured narrative, with the character of the male being followed throughout a day of his life. There is a search and journey pattern of narrative in this narrative. We see that the man is on a journey in a normal day of his life, starting off in what seems to be the morning, progressing into the afternoon and ending in the evening. This can also be explored using Todorov's theory. The advert starts off with an equilibrium, with the man walking down the street on his phone. The disruption being his finding the first symbol of a heart and continuing to find them. Then we see that resolution with the scene of the woman receiving the picture messages that the man has sent. This is a signifier that connotes how these symbols are showing his emotions towards the woman. There is a mixture of realistic and anti-realistic narrative in this advert. This is because we see a normal work day of a male in a city, being very realistic. However on his travels we see that his embarks on different structures and objects in the shape of a heart. This is not very likely to happen in a realistic situation, at least not the amount of shapes he comes across.
TASK 3: Compare the advert below with two other adverts of your choice and explain which of the above styles they employ. Explain why the styles are used and say how effective you think the adverts are. Drop the youtube links into your blog for the ads you want to use.
The L'Oreal advertisement is a documentary style, this is clear as the advert describes the effects and benefits of the product. However, it is also a talking head style advert as the star vehicle talks directly to the camera. This mix of styles makes the advert appear more realistic which reaches the target audience. The documentary style is common when advertising domestic products because it provides the audience with knowledge before they purchase the hairspray. This advert follows both the expert power and star power factors factors of persuasion, they have been used to interest the consumers but also for gain the audiences trust in the product.If a consumer witnesses that Jennifer Aniston trusts and uses the product then they will want to use and trust the product too. One or both of these factors is used in almost all of the 'domestic' adverts as it is a good way to hook the consumers interest.Adversely, The Nescafe Gold advert is in the style of a series/serial.This advert differs from the L'Oreal advert because it adopts a story line that follows on in each advert, this means that the advert employs the effect of a television programme, this enables the advert to stand out from other adverts because the simple easy to follow plot gains the attention of the audience. This means that they begin to know the characters and develop a friendly relationship with the brand. By doing this the brand then becomes recognizable to us and the audience can trust all the products produced. People have become aware of the brand and its quality therefore the product can be purchased with confidence, this style is a good way to hook consumers and introduce an approachable, happy atmosphere with the brand.
Head and Shoulders advert:
The head and shoulders Parody advert incorporates a humorous style, as it is a parody of a romance film. The love affair is between the man and his hair and it is effective as it shows the effects of the product in a way that will be recognised. The music bed in the advert mirrors a romance film but juxtaposes against the clips of the man and his hair, which adds to the humour. The voice over at the end of of advert promotes the product but also follows the style of a love film. The audience who is most likely men, seen as the advertisement features a man, are likely to buy the product because the friendly attitude of the advert reflects the product.
TASK 4: For two of the adverts above, explain how the adverts use the common codes and conventions of advertising.
Codes and conventions of tv advertising- Picture of product / logo
- Repetition - Product name
- Contact detail - small print
- Close ups of packaging
- Lines of appeal
- Factors of persuasion
- Simple narratives
- Voice Over
- Music Bed - sound effects
- Slogans or straplines
- Advert styles - tag lines
This advert is a parody of the famous Christmas film 'The Snowman', in which they have changed the original lyrics to created a humourous effect. At the start of the advert we immediately see the character of the boy holding the can of Iron-Bru in a close up shot symbolising to the audience what the theme of the advert is. We see repetition of this logo throughout the advert to cement the product and make sure the logo is easily recognised. There are a few lines of appeal in this advert, the first being comedy and the second being fantasy. It could also suggest an appeal of nostalgia for the audience that watched the original short film. The most important factor of persuasion in this advert is the star power of the well known tune played throughout, the iconic snowman is also a factor of persuasion and will anchor the audiences attention when this is seen. This advert will appeal to a wide age range as 'The Snowman' was made in 1982 with a family based viewing and the Iron-Bru product is also iconic among the British. The slapstick we can see when the boy sings about his can of Iron-Bru will appeal the sense of humour of generally a younger audience. We do not see a voice over in this advert which is unusual for an advert of this type. We see a lot of similar camera shots, such as close ups of the characters smiling faces and long shots of the characters flying. The is a reward power in this advert as the boy and the snowman are arguing over the Iron-Bru, this parody creates a sense that this drink is so good that you will get a reward from drinking it. Therefore making the snowman go to such lengths to drop the child for the drink. At the end of the advert we see a low shot of a castle with the slogan 'Have a phenomenal Christmas'. The low angle shot of the castle creates a grand effect and the slogan creates a positive connotation for the audience, therefore making the product look friendly and appealing.
Task 6:
Who are the ASA?
The ASA describe themselves as 'the UK's independent regulator of advertising across all media'. They regulate all advertising across the UK media and make sure they are legal to be broadcasted. They deal with most types of advertising, such as radio commercials, leaflets and newspaper advertisements. Although the ASA cover most advertising they do not cover all types, they do not include such advertising as medical and financial advertising. The ASA respond to complaints in three main ways. The first of these is providing adjudications which give important guidance on the codes that are provided to advertisers. This part of the ASA helps to prevent breaking of the codes. However, if codes are broken the ASA will give sanctions to the advertisers that don't comply. The third way in which they prevent breaking of the codes is to proactively search out breaking of the codes in advertising. Here are some examples of the codes for tv advertising:
5.3.3 pricing requirements:
a) Quoted prices must be inclusive of all non-optional taxes, duties and fees, including freight, delivery or postal charges, which apply to all buyers. If such charges cannot reasonably be calculated in advance, advertisers must state that additional charges may be payable.
Task 8: Create a brief for your client covering the main aims of the advertisement.
T.V advertisement for Pudsey Grangefield School
Prepared by: Penguin Media- 0113 2456781
PGS Marketing and Communications
Mount Pleasant road, Pudsey, Leeds, LS28 7ND
Background / Overview
Pudsey Grangefield is a successful school and 6-form college
The ad is aimed at upcoming students and their parents.
What is the objective and purpose of the ad?
The ad must aim to attract new students and persuade them and their parents to choose PGS.
Target Audience. Who are we talking to?
The ad will be aimed at Year 6 pupils and their Parents.
The ad will also be aimed at potential 6th form students.
The ad will have a broad target audience, aiming at children, teenagers and adults.
What’s the single most important thing to say?
PGS provides an excellent education, variety of subjects, and an enjoyable school experience.
What are the supporting rational and emotional ‘reasons to buy?’
PGS is the best performing school in the area, gaining A*-C GCSE results, the most up-to-date technology, a new building.
East is local successful business with a solid customer base and a good reputation in the community.
Value is important in difficult economic times.
Logistics are important. East can deliver quality food to local businesses, sticking to a set timescale.
Locality is important because the business is local they can supply the personal service that quality local businesses require.
Details that will assist the creative team…
Possible detail
Consumer insights: Vox-pops of local people saying positive things about East.
“The service is outstanding and the variety of food is exceptional and most importantly they always make us feel welcome.”
Description of brand personality: Learning, Enjoying, Exploring, Developing Skills.
Positioning Taglines: Your children deserve the best education possible
Let us provide them with the best years of their lives.
Creative thought starters:
Your children are our priority
Let us work together.

The demographic of our target audience are teenagers aged 11-18, . This audience would be interested in upbeat lively music beds. adverts with a humorous/ comedy genre. Advantages of focus groups include that they are easy to create a session, they are good for getting strong data that represents participants' own ideas and thoughts, focus groups collect a variety of information which collates a strong range of data. Although there are many dis-advantages such as demand characteristics, where the participants may only say what they think you expect or want them to say, or they may be influenced by other members of the group, which could mean they don't feel comfortable expressing their own idea's so they go along with the majority. There are also advantages to focus groups, we can gather information such as; participants' interpretations are not individual. Points made in this session by participants which could assist us in our planning include an effective narrative (journey throughout advert), memorable character (audience can identify with them), adverts that include a humourous element such as the Head and Shoulders advert.
Task 12: Consider the advertising codes for TV and pick out one code that you think you must be conscious of when producing your advertisement. Explain why and explain how you will make sure that you do not contravene the code.
In my oppinion think the best programme for our advert to be in between would be This morning or Loose Women as these programmes are aimed at mothers and housewives. It would be a good opportunity for parents to view our advert and consider PGS. Another channel I think would be a good place for our advert to be placed between is Sweet Life on Deck from the Disney Channel. This programme is played frequently on the Disney Channel and as this audience 9-15 years old this capturing our primary target audience - students. This programme is a teen sitcom and is comedy so content is quite light hearted and funny, this appealing to our target audience. Considering Young and Rubicon's audience classification table, I think the category this programme's target audience would fit into would be explorers as this category has a young demographic of students, which specifically targets our primary target audience of students. The audience's psycographics of this programme would want experience and adventure, this suiting our advert's audience as students would gain experience from working on the station and experience the adventure of something new and exciting.
Task 14 : Produce a record of your initial ideas that covers….
- Factors of persuasion and lines of appeal
- Narrative
- Music
- Characters
- Style
A line of appeal that would be apparent in our advert would be childhood because our advert goes through the stages of teenage years, this is effective because is shows the potential pupils what their childhood could be like, preparing them for adventure and excitement. However this lie of appeal is also effective because the parents that watch it could get a sense of nostalgia and begin to reminisce on their school life. These memories could be powerful enough for the parent to remember the advert and therefore remember the school. The factor of persuasion that features in our advert is Reward Power, as the advert shows that after all the hard work you put into your school life, comes back around and rewards you with some memorable teenage years.
The narrative in this advert would be 'The Journey Throughout Your School Years', this narrative would encapsulate disruptions and resolutions and finally closing with a happy equilibrium, hence advertising PGS positively. The music,would be upbeat and joyful, to represent the excitement of school life , the pace would also represent the characteristics of how fast high school goes. Characters in this advert would include the main character, a student boy who grows up, teachers and other students who would assist the main student, these characters would act as helpers. The style of this advert would be a serial as it is giving the audience a chance to see what happens throughout the stages of school life.
Task 15: Complete a treatment for your TV advert that covers the following in detail….
- Factors of persuasion
- Lines of appeal
- style
- narrative
- narrative goals
- characters
- Camera shots
- editing
The Lines of appeal that is included in our advert is childhood as potential students are given a chance to see what high school life is like from the very beginning. Also parents who watch the advert could be taken back to their childhood days and enjoy the memories. Another line of appeal in our advert is self-importance and pride as the advert shows the journey students go through as they progress though school, this will be reflected with emotions and facial expressions.
A factor of persuasion in our advert is reward power as thins linking with the line of appeal, self-importance and pride the experience students gain from going through the journey of school is rewarding and students can feel a sense of achievement from their hard work.
The advert will be in a serial style acting as a ‘journey throughout high school’. The advert will not be too formal as it needs to be fun and exciting, to encourage other students to join us, Up-beat music and various camera shots/ angles will reflect the fun element of the advert.
The advert will feature a sequential narrative as the advert will show the sequential events, using a child that 'grows- up' as he experiences high school, The start of the advert will feature the boy walking though the school gates as a year seven, The final part of the advert will feature the boy (who has now grown up) walking out of the school gates. Considering Propp’s theory the narrative will include helpers to help the students if they have a problem for example, being friends. The narrative will end on a happy equilibrium as the main character walks out of the school gates. Student may incur disruptions and resolutions along the way, as the narrative is a realist narrative, the advert will reflect true events that may happen. .
The main character in the advert is a student boy, who is followed from years seven, through to year 13. Other characters will include teachers, and other pupils who feature as classmates and friends.
Possible camera shots that may feature in our advert include a POV shot to show 'school from a pupils perspective', close-up shots to show the main character’s facial expression and long shots and medium shots to show the classrooms and school environment.
Software that we may use when editing our advert may include Final Cut Express to edit the whole video in, we may also use Audacity if sound levels need altering.
Task 16: Write a report with screen-shots, detailing the equipment and software you will be using and how you intend to use it.
Equipment we will be using will include a Flip Camera with a portable tripod this to capture smooth POV shots for example, when the main character is making his way through the school building. We will use a variety of camera shots including close ups to show the students' happy expressions and panning shots to make a smooth transition between lessons. We may also need artificial lighting is lighting is low in any of the classrooms, to maintain continuity throughout. Software we will be using includes Imovie and final cut express. This is where we will edit all of our footage, we may use garageband and audacity for audio effects. People involved in our advert will be the main character, other students and teachers. Considering props, costumes and locations; character will not need to be in costumes as student's uniforms and teacher's dress will fit with the school setting. Locations will be set inside the school, as our advert is based on an acitivy inside school.Task 17: Create a storyboard for your production

Slid analysis here - you have not yet completed the task on narrative theory.
Make sure you use the correct terminology -factors in persuasion/lines of appeal/ aspirational lifestyles are mis written here.
I am going to improve my work to gain a distinction. I will do this by completing all the tasks to a high standard and by taking your suggestions into consideration.
ReplyDeleteI will complete all my unfinished tasks and make sure they are done well.
What is your favourite filling in a sandwich? :)
You still need to complete several tasks Jess and make sure that you have your evaluation completed in full. If you can ensure that you write in the same detail and use the correct terminology you should be in the distinction bracket.
ReplyDeleteDistinction 1, 2 and 3.
ReplyDeleteComprehensive analysis and planning followed by a high quality finished product.
ReplyDeleteD1 Critical evaluations of single camera productions are fluent and arguments are supported using elucidated examples and the correct subject terminology.
D2 Single camera production planned to a quality that reflects a near-professional standard, showing creativity and flair. Work has been carried out independently and reflects professional expectations.
D3 Within the production there is evidence that the technical quality reflects near professional standards, taking in to account the equipment available. The production shows creativity and flair and the student has shown great independence in striving to meet professional expectations.